ID Title Author Genre
1 Subtle Art of not giving a fuck Mark Manson Self-Help
2 Flowers for Algeron Daniel Keyes Novel
3 Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom Biographical
4 Automating the boring stuff with Python Al Sweigart Non-Fiction
5 The Intelligent Investor Benjamin Graham Non-Fiction
6 Flow: The psychology of optimal experience Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Self-help
7 When breath becomes air Paul Kalanithi Biographical
8 Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman Self-help
9 Norwegian Wood Haruki Murakami Novel
10 Cathcher in the Rye J.D Salinger Novel
11 1984 George Orwell Political Fiction
12 To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee Novel
13 Educated Tara Westover Memoir
14 Kafka on the shore Haruki Murakami Novel
15 The Prince Niccolo Machiavelli Non-Fiction
16 A good girl's guide to murder Holly Jackson Mystery
17 The art of thinking clearly Rolf Dobelli Self-Help
18 Good Girl, Bad Blood Holly Jackson Mystery
19 Panchiko Min Jin Lee Novel
20 The picture of Dorian Grey Oscar Wilde Novel
21 As Good as Dead Holly Jackson Mystery
22 Freakonomics Steven Levit Non-Fiction
23 Forest Gump Winston Groom Novel
24 Killing Commendatore Haruki Murakami Novel
25 Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury Novel
26 Catch-22 Joseph Heller Novel
27 The Diary of a Young Girl Anne Frank Biographical
28 The Hidden History of Burma Thant Myint-U Non-Fiction
29 Metamorphosis Franz Kafka Short Story
30 The Penal Colony Franz Kafka Short Story
31 A man's Search for meaning Viktor Frankl Biographical
32 Pride and Prejudice Jane Austin Novel
33 The Female Brain Louann Brizendine Self-help
34 Economic Fact and Fallacy Thomas Sowell Non-Fiction
35 Dance Dance Dance Haruki Murakami Novel
36 Why Nations Fail Daron Acemoglu Non-Fiction
37 The sun also rises Ernest Hemingway Novel
37 The sun also rises Ernest Hemingway Novel
38 The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath Novel
39 Instructions for American Servicemen in Britian War Department Non-Fiction
40 How to win friends and influence people Dale Carengie Self-Help
41 FAR/AIM 2024 Federal Aviation Administration Regulatory
42 Instrument Procedures Handbook Federal Aviation Administration Non-Fiction